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 Beijing Region Manager Xiong Guoqiang
Shenzhen Jian An Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Beijing Region now includes Beijing Area, Tianjin Area Two Area. Present an excellent Region able to fight a hard battle, the professional team, a total of 81 people, including 1 doctor, Master 1, college education accounted for 92% of the total number. Regional focus on the development of each employee, through the promotion of the professional manager, product manager for specific training given to staff at all levels; at work to give the full development of each employee to play the work of each one of the greatest potential; in life of each employee concerned about the practical difficulties, to help employees who need to care about each, the Beijing area every employee for their work in the family, learning and feel proud. Our goal is to strive to create a positive, professional and pragmatic excellent team.
Beijing area is the region's leading the Area, the existing nine offices, with 56 employees, offices in the snow into Li Chih-professional group, the United States can be integrated variety of professional groups and four major groups and suburban groups, hospitals major hospitals covering eight districts and rural county hospital; Tianjin Area now has a staff of 19, set up in Tianjin in Tianjin Area A, Tianjin and Tianjin two three, comprehensive department is still in the pipeline, including Tianjin, one, two, mainly responsible for three main brand and established the United States to the clinical academic promotion Chih snow.
Faced with the challenges of the new market environment, the Beijing district staff will continue to maintain an indomitable spirit, in this land of vast patches grow!